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Planning Board Minutes 10/22/05
Adele Gagnon Site Review of October 22, 2005

The site review began at 8:00 a.m. with members Cernota, Halper, Marshall, Rainier and alternate  member Pennoyer in attendance.   Adele explained that she would like to use a 24 foot by 32 foot portion of the existing barn for a shop for collectibles and antiques which would be open a few days per week on a flexible schedule.  There is no heating system for the area but there is a smoke detector and fire extinguisher available.  A new floor has been put down.  

Adele said that she would probably be open some evenings and the area is well lit already for her two tenants.   There is an area for tenant parking at present and an area available for shop parking.  Snow would be plowed onto the lawn.  The new parking area would not be paved.  One idea for parking was to use the area next to the asphalt driveway which would give enough room for cars to turn so that they would not have to back out onto Slip Road.  However, the septic tank is located in the area so that there could be no permanent parking here until the property has been connected to the municipal septic system.  There is also room along the boundary line with the Ierlans which could be used for parking.

The board suggested that before Adele comes for the site plan review she discuss her plans with both the Code Enforcement Officer and the Fire Chief to make sure she will be in compliance.  We also suggested that she present a plan showing snow removal, parking areas,  and hours and days of operation.  Lighting and signage should also be addressed.

The site review ended at 9:00 a.m.